Universal Remotes & codes
Time Warner Remote Control Codes and Program Instruction
In our home, we have Tv, DVD, home theatre and other devices that we use . We use many remotes for many devices, and it feels confusing to handle many remotes, so we decided to bring a solution for this uncertainty. There is a remote control called “Universal Remote Control” which helps you to use a single remote for many devices. It seems interesting, right?
If you want a solution to program the Time warner cable box with the universal remote. Then, you’re at the right place. So now, we can discuss a solution for this. Keep reading to get your answer to this article.
To begin with, you need a time warner cable remote control “CODES” to program. By using a universal remote, it is easy to control many devices with one remote. We’ve mentioned the Time Warner cable remote control Tv codes below with different methods to program.
List of Time Warner Universal Remote Codes
Here is the list of Time Warner cable remote Tv codes. With the help of codes, you can program a universal remote with a Time warner device. In the below list, many codes are mentioned with brand names. You can choose a code as per the need from the below list of Time warner remote codes.
Brand | Code |
Sylvania | 044, 068 |
Sony | 014 |
Toshiba | 074 , 168 , 170 |
Symphonic | 185 |
Sharp | 053 , 107 , 179 |
Sanyo | 168 |
Sansui | 477 |
Samsung | 033 , 044 , 192, 074 , 070 |
RCA | 033 , 061 , 065 , 149 , 104 , 107 |
Philips | 068 |
Emerson | 033 , 250 , 477 , 168 , 638 , 637 , 053 , 191 , 194 , 193, 192 |
Funai | 185 , 193 , 194 |
GE | 465 , 061 , 065 , 192 , 296 , 107 , 035, 149 |
Zenith | 030 , 031 , 106 |
Hitachi | 070 , 159 , 065 |
Infinity | 068 |
LG | 070 |
Magnavox | 044 , 068 , 193 |
Mitsubishi | 033 , 107 , 164 , 192 |
Proscan | 061 |
Minutz | 035 |
JBL | 068 |
JVC | 067 |
Harley Davidson | 193 |
Luxman | 070 |
KEC | 194 |
Inteq | 031 |
Matsushita | 264 |
Logik | 030 |
Motorola | 107 |
Optonica | 107, 179 |
Harvard | 194 |
Harmon/Kardon | 068 |
MGA | 033 , 044 , 164 , 192 |
Scimitsu | 033 |
Squareview | 185 |
Vector Research | 044 |
Telefunken | 070 |
Concerto | 070 |
Craig | 194 |
Electroband | 014 |
Envision | 044 |
Supreme | 014 |
SSS | 033, 194 |
Contec | 194 |
Denon | 159 |
Futuretech | 194 |
Fujitsu | 193 |
Fisher | 168 |
Tatung | 069 |
Totevision | 053 |
Vidikron | 068 |
Pioneer | 180 |
CXC | 194 |
Carver | 068 |
Ambassador | 191 |
Tandy | 107 |
JCB | 014 |
Ampro | 765 |
Belcor | 033 |
American Action | 194 |
Brockwood | 033 |
Celebrity | 014 |
Majestic | 030 |
Aiko | 106 |
Carnivale | 044 |
Baysonic | 194 |
Adventura | 060 |
Prism | 065 |
Sansei | 465 |
Signature | 030 |
Samsux | 053 |
Multitech | 194 |
Anam | 194 |
NTC | 106 |
Scotch | 192 |
AOC | 033, 044 |
Bell & Howell | 030, 168 |
Semp | 170 |
Victor | 067 |
Realistic | 194 , 053 , 168 , 033 , 192 , 179, 070 , 044 |
Wards | 033 , 035 , 192 , 044 , 030 , 070 , 193, 068 , 179 |
Radio Shack | 033 , 044 , 061 , 070 , 179, 053 , 168 |
Sears | 061 , 068 , 170 , 185 , 192 , 070 , 168 , 193 |
Nikko | 044 , 106 , 192 |
NAD | 170 , 180 , 192 |
Scott | 033 , 192 , 250, 193 , 194 |
Starlite | 194 |
Teknika | 033 , 074 , 164 , 053 , 106 , 068 , 193, 070 , 030 |
Curtis Mathes | 065 , 068 , 107 , 053 , 061 , 030 , 070, 044 , 074 |
Daewoo | 053 , 637 , 033 , 159 , 465 , 180 , 638 , 465 , 106 , 168 |
Kenwood | 033, 044 |
MTC | 033 , 044 , 164 , 192 |
Gilbrater | 031 , 033 , 044 |
White Westinghouse | 637, 638 |
Penney | 074 , 035 , 061 , 070 , 044 , 053 , 065 , 033 , 149 |
Panasonic | 065, 264 |
KTV | 044 , 053 , 194 |
Philco | 033 , 044 , 477, 068 , 159 |
Soundesign | 192 , 193 , 194 |
Semivox | 194 |
GoldStar | 033 , 044 , 070 , 0192 |
Portland | 033 , 053 , 106 |
Memorex | 168 , 030 , 264 , 070 , 164 , 192 |
Midland | 053 , 149 , 061, 065 , 031 |
LXI | 061 , 170 , 192, 168 , 068 |
Runco | 031 , 044 , 617 |
Technol Ace | 193 |
Techwood | 065, 070 |
Grunpy | 193, 194 |
Marantz | 044, 068 |
Technics | 065 , 264 , 194 |
NEC | 033 , 044 , 070 |
Orion | 193 , 250 , 477 |
Hallmark | 192 |
Yamaha | 033, 044 |
Dwin | 734, 788 |
Quasar | 065 , 179 , 264 |
Vidtech | 030, 192 |
Daytron | 033 |
Shogun | 033 |
TMK | 070 , 191 , 192 |
Audiovox | 106 , 194 , 465 , 637 |
Cineral | 106, 465 |
Dumont | 031, 033 |
Megatron | 159, 192 |
Optimus | 168 , 180 , 264 |
Sampo | 044, 053 |
Bradford | 194 |
Brocksonic | 250, 477 |
Onwa | 194 , 170 , 192 |
Admiral | 107, 477 |
Akai | 044 |
Crosley | 068 |
Candle | 044, 070 |
Gradiente | 067, 070 |
Alaron | 193 |
Pilot | 033 , 044 , 053 |
Pulsar | 031, 033 |
Crown | 053, 194 |
Proton | 192, 480 |
How do I program Time Warner Universal Remote without Codes ?
STEP:1 Turn ON the Tv to program with universal remote control
STEP:2 Press the “setting” button for 4 seconds in the Time Warner universal remote, program the Time warner universal remote without codes.
Press the component button, and the flashlight will appear. Now the Time warner remote is ready to set up.
STEP:3 Point the remote towards the Time warner device and press the CH+ and CH- buttons. It will give on or off signals in the universal remote control. To find the correct Time Warner remote codes, you have to press the keys unless the device turns-off.
STEP:4 Click on the “power” button of the Time warner universal remote to save the code. To check the Time warner code is responding, keep changing the channels to verify the programming.
STEP:5 To save the Time Warner cable remote tv codes, press the component button. To confirm, the LED will blink twice.
Time Warner Cable Universal Remote Codes UR5u-8780l
Pioneer | 001, 034, 076, 103, 105, 063, 051 |
Technicolor | 365 |
Scientific Atlanta / Cisco | 001, 002, 046, 041, 042, 045 |
Amino | 219 |
Entone | 221 |
Pace | 005, 001, 206, 217, 002 |
Duoson | 218 |
Motorola | 002, 206, 148 |
Sky | 240, 241 |
Windstream | 212 |
Evolution | 189, 215 |
Samsung | 001, 030 |
Arris | 172, 216 |
Digital Multimedia Technology | 222 |
Cincinnati Bell | 220 |
How to setup Time Warner remote Manually?
To program the Time warner remote. You have to SWITCH ON the device and click on the “TV” button on the Time warner universal remote
In the Time Warner universal remote, Press and hold down the SETUP button, which indicates flashlight. Select the Time Warner remote codes from the Time warner cable remote Tv codes given below.
After you enter the remote code, make sure your device is responding. To check if your device is responding or not. You have to press the component button then the power button.
NOTE: If your device is not responding, then try to enter the other code mentioned in the below list. Time Warner cable remote control Tv codes till you find your Time Warner remote codes.
To setup Time Warner Remote to Panasonic Tv
For functioning volume, channel up\down, and input section, you can use a single universal remote for your many devices of Panasonic. Before that, you have to program your Time Warner universal remote to a Panasonic device.
Desired code
To program your device, make sure to choose the desired code. We mention many codes listed for Panasonic devices below.
Preparation to set up
You have to check the batteries of the Time warner remote as it works before starting the program.
Methods for programming
To function and no clash between any signals is only possible by maintaining a distance from Time Warner to cable box and Tv.
Testing for code
If you have done with the programming method, then try to test your device. Click the POWER button to check the volume and other functions to confirm that you have done it . Now you have done with the Time Warner universal remote tv codes.
Time warner remote Setup code for Panasonic Tv
Following is the complete list of universal remote codes for Panasonic tv. The list contains many codes with brand names. You have to choose the correct code for your device as per the code list.
065 | 264 |
List of Time Warner Universal Remote codes for Sharp Tv
If you want Time Warner remote control codes to program your Time Warner universal remote with sharp Tv, you will get the list below of codes. You can select the required code and follow the instructions to program the Time Warner remote. If one code is not working, you can choose other codes to connect your sharp Tv with the universal remote.
236 | 251 |
019 | 143 |
175 | 022 |
028 | 004 |
081 | 081 |
029 | 014 |
List of Time Warner Universal Remote Codes for Philips Tv
We brought you the complete list of Time Warner cable codes Philips Tv, and the below code list required when you are looking to program your Philips Tv with the Time warner universal remote. The list contains many codes with brand names. So if one is not working, apply the other to connect your Philips tv with the universal remote.
991 | ….. |
Time Warner Cable Universal Remote Codes UR5u-8780l
Entone | 221 |
Pace | 001, 002, 206, 217, 005 |
Scientific Atlanta / Cisco | 001, 002, 046, 041, 042, 045 |
Pioneer | 076, 001, 063, 034, 051, 105, 103 |
Digital Multimedia Technology | 222 |
Motorola | 002, 206, 148 |
Arris | 172, 216 |
Evolution | 189, 215 |
Samsung | 001, 030 |
Windstream | 212 |
Sky | 240, 241 |
Technicolor | 365 |
Amino | 219 |
Duoson | 218 |
Cincinnati Bell | 220 |
List of Time Warner Universal Remote Codes Samsung
If you need some codes to program your Time Warner remote control codes for Samsung TVs, You can find the codes in the below list. Choose the right one to program in your Time Warner remote control code Samsung device.
033 | 070 |
192 | 074 |
044 | …. |
How to Program Time Warner Remote to Lg TV
10856 | 10017 |
12358 | 10178 |
11423 | 11178 |
11265 | 12424 |
10700 | 11993 |
11768 | ….. |
How to Program Time Warner Remote to Vizio TV
10864 | 10885 |
11756 | 11758 |
Time Warner TV Remote Code for a Panasonic
264 | 065 |
Tcl Time Warner Remote Code
0135 | 0278 |
1958 | 0174 |
1948 | 0679 |
1247 | 1047 |
2002 | 0018 |
0090 | 0019 |
1147 | 0038 |
1953 | 0029 |
0747 | 1547 |
0047 | 1447 |
Time Warner Cable Remote Codes Seiki
0178 | ….. |
Sansui TV Remote Codes Time Warner Cable
477 | ….. |
Time Warner Remote Codes for Sony TV
014 | ….. |
Time Warner Remote Codes for Rca TV
061 | 065 |
149 | 104 |
107 | 033 |
Lg TV Remote Codes Time Warner Cable
10856 | 10017 |
12358 | 11423 |
12424 | 11265 |
11178 | 11993 |
10178 | 11768 |
10700 | ….. |
Time Warner Cable Remote Codes for Dynex TV
1271 | 400 |
1280 | 1182 |
In this article, we discussed everything related to Time Warner cable remote control Tv codes. From this article, we explained the Time Warner remote control with code without code which doesn’t require any code to enter for programming Time Warner Universal Remote Code . Now, the choice is up to you. With this article, you can find your Time warner universal remote tv codes for your Panasonic, Samsung, Sharp, and Philips device.
If you still have any queries or suggestions of Time warner remote codes, please write to us!
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